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GameTrailers abruptly shuts down after 13 years of entertainment

Derek Strickland | Feb 9, 2016 9:34 AM CST

Just as video killed the radio (star), YouTube and Twitch have killed GameTrailers: after 13 years of entertainment, reviews, and original content, the beloved site is going off the air for good.

GameTrailers abruptly shuts down after 13 years of entertainment

"After 13 years, GameTrailers is closing down today. Thank you for your continued support over the years. It has been an adventure," reads an official Tweet from GT's Twitter account. GT's founder Brandon Jones echoed the bad news with his own Tweet announcement, saying: "Today is the last day of GameTrailers. I wish it wasn't so. I love all of our fans like family. Thank you for letting me do this job."

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Take a picture in Firewatch, have a real-world photo printed and sent

Jeff Williams | Feb 9, 2016 9:04 AM CST

Firewatch seems to have caught the eye of many a gamer, garnering positive reviews from critics and gamers alike. And there happens to be a feature in the PC version that isn't available anywhere else, and it lets you memorialize the beautiful graphics forever.

Take a picture in Firewatch, have a real-world photo printed and sent

A disposable camera that's found in the forest can be used to take photos in-game, but the surprise is that once you finish the game you'll actually be given a link to a store where you can buy prints of those photos that you took. TechnoBuffalo gave it a try and the prints are of very good quality and reflect the quality and care put into the games engine.

The photos themselves cost $15 and the service is available around the world with free shipping included. Oh, and all of the shots that were taken before you got the disposable camera are also developed for you. The whole idea is incredibly new and fascinating. Graphics are getting to the point where it's either very realistic, in certain lights, or representative of fantastic art. The scenery from Firewatch is no exception, and is stunning, to say the least. What a novel service!

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Denuvo DRM tech convinces leading games pirates to give up

Derek Strickland | Feb 9, 2016 8:35 AM CST

The flow of free, pirated PC games may be significantly reduced as a leading games-cracking group 3DM is taking a break from piracy--possibly for good.

Denuvo DRM tech convinces leading games pirates to give up

"We just had an internal meeting. Starting at the Chinese New Year, 3DM will not crack any single-player games," Bird Sister, the team's leader, said in a blog post. "Cracks by overseas warez groups will still get posted on the [3DM] forum, and we will actively deal with these."

Despite the popular consensus that 3DM's break is the result of Denuvo's Anti-Tamper DRM, the group says the time off will let them gauge the impact that piracy is having on the modern games industry. "We'll take a look at the situation in a year's time to see if genuine sales have grown," the leader stated.

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Michael Fassbender compares Assassin's Creed movie with The Matrix

Anthony Garreffa | Feb 9, 2016 6:16 AM CST

When The Matrix came out in 1999, it was totally fresh - with a unique take on Hollywood, and it birthed the start of Bullet Time, and so much more - it became one my favorite movies of all time. So when a stale franchise like Assassin's Creed gets made into a movie, and its star, Michael Fassbender, comes out comparing it to the Keanu Reeves hit (let's forget about the sequels) - it has my attention, and not in a good way.

Well, Assassin's Creed has wrapped principal photography, and while speaking with Empire, Fassbender compared Assassin's Creed to The Matrix. Yeah, he went there, and said: "I've always thought about The Matrix when we've approached this. This idea of DNA memory elevates it from a basic fantasy genre [piece], because you have something an audience can actually believe in. Then the journey becomes so much more elevated, because you're on board in a different way".

I don't know how you compare the 15th century to The Matrix, which is a world within a world - in a computer program, controlled by AI, with people learning Kung Fu and Jujitsu from a computer that can probably still run Assassin's Creed at more than 24FPS. Ugh.

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Ubisoft says The Division being held back on PC 'simply not true'

Anthony Garreffa | Feb 9, 2016 12:51 AM CST

It was only a few hours ago that we reported that the PC version of The Division was being held back, because it would be "unfair" to consoles if the PC version of the game stood head and shoulders above its console counterparts.

Well, now Ubisoft has come out of the darkness, releasing a statement to PCGamesN: "It has come to our attention that a comment from one of our team members has been perceived by some members of the community to imply the PC version of The Division was 'held back' and this is simply not true. From the beginning, the PC version of The Division was developed from the ground up and we're confident players will enjoy the game and the features this version has to offer. And the feedback from PC players who participated in the recent closed beta supports this".

Now of course a company like Ubisoft isn't going to come out and admit that they are holding back the PC version of one of their biggest games of the year - but it would be nice to see them admit that the consoles are underpowered, which are holding back a huge leap in graphics, game size, AI, and so much more - including The Division being watered down from its E3 2013/2014 footage. There's simply no denying that, Ubisoft.

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All the juicy Hitman beta details revealed for the 19th

Jeff Williams | Feb 8, 2016 4:59 PM CST

The semi-closed beta test for Hitman is going to begin at the end of the week and Square Enix has released a short trailer and an FAQ site to prepare us as we step into the role of Agent 47 once again.

Those on the PlayStation 4 of course get to enjoy the beta on starting on the 12th of February at 8:00am PST going through the 15th at 8:00am PST. Those on the PC will have to wait until the 19th at 2:00am PST and then you can play to your hearts content until the 22nd at 2:00am PST.

During the beta you'll only have access to the prologue mission, aptly named "The Prologue". This is a secret ICA training facility that Agent 47 first trained in. It's also the first time that you meet Diana, the familial handler that you eventually save in an earlier game set further along the timeline. You're give two completely free-form missions to play through to try out the mechanics of the game. How do you get in the beta? Read on below.

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Battlefield 4 netcode significantly improved on Xbox One and PS4

Jeff Williams | Feb 8, 2016 3:04 PM CST

DICE is improving the netcode in Battlefield 4 on consoles, and it's doing so by changing a simple setting that should improve the experience significantly.

With the latest update on the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, the tickrate of 32 player servers has been increased from 30hz up to 45hz. They're reporting that this should improve all network related delays by around 11ms per single action. Meaning that your shots should register just about perfectly now.

They were able to test different tickrates through the holiday update and decided upon the higher rate after the data they collected showed a positive increase in player enjoyment for most playersThe changes don't effect 64 player servers. DICE will have a small testing period in which they invite feedback about the changes, to ensure it's the best possible option for everyone.

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Dark Souls III has a beautifully dramatic opening cinematic

Jeff Williams | Feb 8, 2016 12:55 PM CST

The opening cinematic for Dark Souls III is quite stunning, and you can view it right below. The cinematic style is on par with some very good movies even.

The three-minute intro very succinctly introduces us to the storyline that we'll be following in the very dark and despondent land of Lothric. It's actually quite well constructed and the narrative seems to fulfill the expectations we have for the series. In the trailer you'll see Yhorm the Giant, Farron's Undead Legions, Aldrich Saint of the Deep and even the reclusive Lord of the Profaned Capitol.

Merely watching the trailer brings back memories of the challenges from the first two. Dark Souls III will arrive on April 12th on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC through Steam.

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Red Dead Redemption backwards compatibility done in error, removed

Jeff Williams | Feb 8, 2016 9:02 AM CST

It seems that the excitement was a bit preemptive. Microsoft has removed the ability to download and play Red Dead Redemption from the Xbox store, saying that they were made available by some sort of error.

Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb did take to Reddit to explain that RDR is currently in a testing phase, though that along with a few other games, they were accidentally made public. "Due to an error, some of the games currently in test were accidentally made available. We have since removed access to those games, and apologize for any confusion this may have caused. We will have more information on upcoming releases soon."

The good news is that we'll eventually be seeing it be available, though it's not quite clear when. The original story is still posted below for your convenience.

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New Fallout 4 mod lets you play as Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher 3

Derek Strickland | Feb 8, 2016 8:34 AM CST

As an avid Fallout 4 PC player, my appetite for mods is quite voracious; I'm always eager to try on the newest arsenal of weapons and armor, and revel in new content. So naturally when I saw ex-Vault Dwellers can now dress up as Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher 3, I instantly smashed the download link.

New Fallout 4 mod lets you play as Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher 3

The Witcher 3 crossover Fallout 4 mod adds two different outfits from Geralt's sleek witcher wardrobe: the infamous battle dress seen in the game's promos, and his casual garb. Ren, the mod's creator, actually uses CD Projekt RED's own authentic models and textures from The Witcher 3.

Sadly, Geralt's infamous monster-slaying twin-blades aren't included in the mod, but we do get to use his crossbow. Before you get too excited, the crossbow doesn't shoot bolts, and instead acts like a pipe pistol when fired.

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