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American Truck Simulator trailer makes trucking super exciting

Jeff Williams | Jan 28, 2016 9:52 AM CST

Trucking actually can be an interesting and fun time in real-life, but American Truck Simulator (along with it's Euro counterpart) takes it to a whole 'nother level, something you wouldn't even expect. And it's a true simulation of what to expect.

The trailer shows off some of the long-distance hauling that you can do in-game, going through some of the impeccably detailed locations. The level of detail is actually pretty astonishing, considering the wide swathes of the country that have been rendered. But really, you're just cruising along, getting your cargo from point a to point b.

I'm curious how they're going to handle the loading and unloading of cargo. Or if you're able to work for real trucking companies and haul their respective industries stuff. Train Simulator and Farm Simulator definitely go to great lengths to give you the entire experience, boring and tedious bits and all. There's definitely a niche for this, and it could be a surprise game for nearly anyone.

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New Dark Souls 3 screenshots show off some marvelous characters in HD

Jeff Williams | Jan 28, 2016 9:05 AM CST

Some great new screenshots of Dark Souls III have been released by Bandai Namco, showing off some of the finery you can adorn yourself, the characters and even some of the abyssal locations that you'll be able to visit in the game.

The new iteration of the PhyreEngine used in Dark Souls III makes good use of higher resolution textures, physically based lighting and more to make the environments look top notch, especially in these new in-game screenshots. It's turning out to be a beautiful looking game with the artistic direction they're taking. One thing they're showing off in these new screenshots is a new boss, whose named Ludex Gundyr. He's terrifyingly large, and you can see him to scale in the screenshot below.

Some of the areas shown are actually new, the Firelink Shrine, where something known as a Fire Keeper lives and can serve players in some capacity on your journey. This is apparently the starting position when you first begin the game. A lot of work is being done to incorporate physics, the Havok engine in this case, into more than just the character model and their clothing. You can't quite see it in these shots, but at least you can get a glimpse of the world you'll be able to explore. And it'll be quite the journey, they say.

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Capcom increased revenue by 19% thanks to Monster Hunter and more

Jeff Williams | Jan 28, 2016 8:02 AM CST

Capcom's financial results for this past April to December were pretty strong, with a 19.3% increase over the same period in 2014. A substantial showing for a company who concentrated a significant amount of resources on mobile development last year.

But even then, there seemed to be an overall increase in interest across the board, probably due to a wider and diverse set of games and franchises they have available. Another factor that played into such a large increase was the way in which Capcom streamlined the development process, reducing overall costs and even the time it takes to release a game. Not the most encouraging reasons, but their products have been mostly solid so far with those new changes.

Monster Hunter in general was the big surprise of the year, selling far more than anticipated in North America and doing very strongly in Japan. The newest mobile game, Monster Hunter Explore surpassed a total of 3 billion downloads on Android and iOS.

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Hideo Kojima visited Killzone developer during his tech research trip

Anthony Garreffa | Jan 28, 2016 3:28 AM CST

During a recent technology research trip with Sony's Mark Cerny, the mind behind the Metal Gear Solid franchise, Hideo Kojima, visited Guerrilla Games.

Guerrilla Games being the developer of PlayStation exclusive franchise Killzone, based in Amsterdam. While he was there, we're sure he would've checked out Guerrilla Games' upcoming PS4 exclusive Horizon: Zero Dawn. Since it was a technology research trip, and Hideo has signed a deal with Sony for a new exclusive, we should see the fruits of this labor in the years to come.

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The Witness might be beautiful, but it's making some gamers nauseous

Derek Strickland | Jan 27, 2016 8:00 PM CST

The Witness is a truly beautiful game that's riddled with mystery, secrets, and mind-bendingly hard puzzles. While the game has received critical acclaim, there are some gamers who are facing a basic roadblock that prevents them from enjoying the game: motion sickness.

The Witness might be beautiful, but it's making some gamers nauseous

Games with first-person FOVs like The Talos Principle and Skyrim have been known to trigger pretty rough nausea and motion sickness in specific players, the same way certain light-flashes can send some gamers into epileptic seizures. More than a few players have reported that Jonathan Blow's latest puzzler The Witness is making them feel sick and disorientated. Some suggest taping a crosshair on the screen to alleviate the nausea and help focus the eyes.

Luckily, Blow is already working on a fix to address the issue. "I will at least hack something in pretty soon and we will see how it helps," Blow said in a response to a motion-sick player on Twitter. The dev has spent the better part of eight years developing The Witness, so its fair to say that his commitment to the game--and all of his games, for that matter--is pretty intense.

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Ubisoft lists all the known issues and bugs in The Division beta

Jeff Williams | Jan 27, 2016 7:37 PM CST

Just in time for the beginning of the beta test for The Division, Ubisoft has released a list of all the known issues and bugs that plague the version of the game we'll be playing in the beta test. And quite frankly, it isn't so terrible, considering.

The known issues are relatively few and far between, though the slow loading textures and severe FPS drops if you use VSync seem to be the most relevant issues at the moment. Also keep in mind that NVIDIA users might experiene some visual graphics, even with the latest Game Ready driver specifically released for the beta.

But if you do run into any other issues, don't hesitate to submit a bug report so they can take an extensive look and make sure that this is fully fixed before its released. Unlike previous Ubisoft releases, this beta test is a step in a new direction towards releasing games with as few issues as possible. Full bug list is below.

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Xbox Live Games With Gold for February announced

Jeff Williams | Jan 27, 2016 7:03 PM CST

The full line-up for Xbox Live's Games With Gold program has been announced, and though there isn't much, it's a strong inventory for both the Xbox One and the Xbox 360.

This month they're digging deep into their inventory with Gears of War 2 and Hand of Fate. Thankfully the games available for the Xbox 360 are also completely playable through backwards compatibility on the Xbox One, so if you've already upgraded, you can enjoy all the titles listed below. The first batch of games, Hand of Fate and Sacred Citadel, will be available on February 1st while Styx and Gears of War 2 will become available on February 16th. Happy hunting.

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EA is skipping E3 2016, instead hosting EA Play 2016 off-site

Jeff Williams | Jan 27, 2016 5:03 PM CST

Electronic Arts won't be attending E3 in the usual fashion this year. Instead of the normal booth inside the expo hall in Los Angeles, they're hosting an off-site event that's more accessible to their fans, EA Play 2016.

EA Play is a departure from their usual expose at E3, where they generally have a large area reserved inside the Los Angeles Convention Center that's filled with their latest games. This year they'll have EA Play, which is a three-day event that'll be hosted off-site at Club Nokia which is near the Los Angeles Convention Center. Their fan-oriented event will run from June 12th through June 14th. At the same time, a similar event will occur in London on the 12th of June.

Another big change EA is making is moving their normal Monday press conference to the Sunday before E3, presumably to kick off their new event with their new game annoucements. This year we expect to see more information about Mass Effect: Andromeda, despite possible delays.

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Watch LotR's Helms Deep battle recreated in Fallout 4

Derek Strickland | Jan 27, 2016 4:32 PM CST

Fallout 4 battles never cease to amaze me, and this newest clip from Cosmic Contrarian is no exception: it's a 14-minute rendition of The Lord of the Rings' epic Helms Deep battle sequence set in Fallout 4.

Watch LotR's Helms Deep battle recreated in Fallout 4

At the behest of his fans, YouTuber has reenacted the Battle of Helms Deep in Fallout 4...and it's pretty epic.To ensure the battle maintained its authenticity, Cosmic Contrarian built his own version of Helms Deep with the game's settlement system, then proceeded to unleash a torrent of havoc and earth-quaking war on upon its walls.

The massive-scale battle sees tens of thousands of bloodthirsty Super Mutants up against a desperate division of Minutemen and Power-Armor-clad Brotherhood of Steel patriots. The horde of greenbacked Super Mutants eventually break into Helms Deep and bring head-smashing death to the humans, but the BoS paladins stand fast with their laser turrets at the ready. The carnage is so absolutely entertaining that it has a way of just mesmerizing viewers, just encapsulating you with fiery death-laden lasers.

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Shovel Knight amiibo listed as a best seller at Walmart garden dept

Jeff Williams | Jan 27, 2016 3:27 PM CST

Apparently an error in Walmart's website has led to the Shovel Knight Wii U and 3DS amiibo being categorized under gardening for some reason. At least it was temporarily.

Pixel Dynamo reported that the amiibo was supposedly categorized under Gardening & Tools in the Walmart directory, where it held the honor of being one of the best selling items in that category. Looking through the various categories, however, reveals that there is no "Gardening & Tools" category, and that the Shovel Knight amiibo is actually put under the correct category, Video Games.

Maybe this is a case of mistaken identity. And the search engine employed by Walmart might match the "shovel" in the name of the amiibo to any search for tools, so searching for "tools" could make it appear, though doesn't appear to be actually associated to any category other than video games. Curiouser and curiouser.

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