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Project Cars: 1080p on PS4, 900p on Xbox One and up to 12K on PC

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 14, 2015 9:31 PM CDT

Slightly Mad Studios is finally close to releasing Project Cars, which is one of the best looking games this year, and some would even say it's one of the best looking games this year.

We have found out the resolution that it will be rendered at on the current gerneation consoles, with the PS4 pushing it out at 1080p 60FPS, and the Xbox One at 900p 60FPS. The PC, can go magnitudes higher, all the way up to 12K and whatever framerate your PC can spit out at that resolution.

On the PC, you're going to need an Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 at a minimum, with 4GB of RAM and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 5770 with 1GB of VRAM. The studio recommends Project Cars players to have a Core i7 3770 processor, or an AMD FX-8350. The recommended requirements also bump up the RAM requirement to 8GB, and the VGA card to a GeForce GTX 600 series, or Radeon HD 7000 series card with at least 2GB of VRAM.

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Forza Motorsport 6 will reportedly feature a DX12 capable engine

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 14, 2015 9:31 PM CDT

It looks like we should begin to get excited for Forza Motorsport 6, which according to the latest rumors, will feature support for DirectX 12. The news is coming from a new trademark application for the game, something GameSpot picked up.

Microsoft has told GameSpot that it has "filed a trademark application for ForzaTech, which is Turn 10 Studios' proprietary graphics and simulation engine for Forza". The company will be showing the game off in greater detail at E3 2015 in June, but Microsoft is going to have multiple new titles to show off at E3 2015, which is only going to help the Xbox One. These titles include Gears of War 4, and a few new titles from Rare.

Back to Forza Motorsport 6 and its new visual capabilities, Turn 10 Studios used a new game engine for Forza Motorsport 5 when they released it two years ago now, which was enhanced for Forza Horizon 2. But with increased competition in the graphics department from driving games like Driveclub and Project Cars, Microsoft needs all the help it can get for its Xbox One title.

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Video games create great opportunities to help educate students

Michael Hatamoto | Apr 14, 2015 2:35 PM CDT

The US Department of Education hopes to bring teachers, gaming studios, researchers and students together in an effort to find ways to increase educational opportunities. As students rack up even more hours playing video games, the education community wants to find more innovative and proactive methods to teach students.

"If you look at the life of a student a lot of [them] play an average of about 10,000 hours of video games by the time they are graduating high school," said Erik Martin, head of the Department of Education's Games for Learning program, while speaking to Polygon. "That is almost the same amount of time they are spending in schools. You can imagine a lot of the time which of the two activities they might feel more engaged in or more relevant."

Understanding that students are playing games, whether mobile, PC or console gaming, it's something that educators can depend on.

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Mobile games are spending more on TV advertisements than console games

Michael Hatamoto | Apr 13, 2015 11:35 PM CDT

Mobile game publishers are breaking out their checkbooks to invest in expensive TV advertisements, outpacing console game publishers, according to the advertising tracking firm. Companies such as Machine Zone, Supercell and King want to attract more mobile gamers to their products, and don't have the name recognition as larger, traditional game studios.

Thirty percent of the overall TV advertising revenue spent during Q1 was dedicated to King, Machine Zone and Supercell, with mobile game companies spending $130 million so far in 2015. Companies such as Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, 2K Games, Electronic Arts and Ubisoft all trail the mobile gamers - and it looks like gamers are paying attention.

"These spending patterns may merely indicate that mobile games are taking advantage of the relative lull in major game console advertising," said Sean Muller, CEO of, in a guest post on Venture Beat. "But so long as this TV ad push results in more app downloads, we may likely be seeing a new long-term competitor to the mix."

Continue reading: Mobile games are spending more on TV advertisements than console games (full post)

Star Citizen's first-person shooter combat explained in great detail

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 13, 2015 12:35 AM CDT

Roberts Space Industries has taken to its website to provide a very in-depth article on how the first-person side of Star Citizen will work, teasing that there will be three different stances, as well as having your breathing impact gameplay.

First, the three different stances will include: lowered stance, ready stance, and ads stance. RSI explains that having three different stances means "that the game will have a more realistic system of weapon handling, which will immediately impact gameplay. Star Citizen's three stances are Lowered, Ready and Aim Down Sights (ADS). The Lowered stance trades the ability to fire for maneuverability. The Ready stance slows a soldier's movement while making reactionary fire and aiming a lot faster and more accurate. The ADS stance is the most accurate, but has the slowest movement and most restricted visibility of the three stances".

Not only that, but breathing will have a big part to play in the Star Citizen first-person shooter mode, which is "simulated in order to make first person combat a much deeper and more tactical experience than many familiar FPS titles". A big part of this is stamina, which is "a resource you will need to manage" according to RSI. The developer continues: "Performing actions such as sprinting, vaulting, mounting, climbing and breath control (detailed below) will lower your stamina. Low stamina will have several temporary knock-on effects, such as drastically reduced sprint distance, diminished ability to aim properly, and even a reduced amount of time that breath can be held".

Continue reading: Star Citizen's first-person shooter combat explained in great detail (full post)

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided to be a 'real challenge' to hardcore players

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 12, 2015 10:25 PM CDT

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was revealed last week, but now the full marketing campaign is beginning to ramp up, with Game Director Jean-François Dugas, teasing Deus Ex fans through his Twitter account.

Dugas was asked if Deus Ex: Mankind Divided would be ghostable, to which he replied that it would, and for the first time in a Deus Ex title, even during boss fights. Dugas said: "As always and even on boss side, finally!". Ghostable means you can play through the entire level, including boss fights, without being seen - providing the true stealth side of Deus Ex.

He continued, adding that the boss fights from Deus Ex: Human Revolution are coming back, which has fans excited. Dugas continued, when he was asked if Mankind Divided would be as hard as the original Deus Ex from 1999, where he said: "We'll have the 'Give me Deus Ex' again. Not exactly like the 1999 mode but you should expect a real challenge". When asked if the same team members from Human Revolution are working on Mankind Divided, Dugas replied with "For the most part, yes".

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Rockstar says 4K is a real 'eye opener' for Grand Theft Auto V on PC

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 12, 2015 9:13 PM CDT

Grand Theft Auto V unlocks for PC gamers across the world in a little under 24 hours now, so after multiple delays, it doesn't even feel like it's happening - but it is, and in a big way.

Rockstar Games sat down with PC Gamer recently to talk about the game and how it runs at 60FPS, 4K and more. PC Gamer asked if GTA V on the PC was "locked at 60FPS", to which Rockstar replied: "The target framerate for the PC build of the game is 60fps, when you start up GTA 5 for the first time it chooses settings to maximise the framerate and visual quality on your PC. These are simply recommendations though, and players can change these to whatever they want. We will never be able to guarantee the framerate when someone decides to push their texture, shader or post-fx quality to a level that their PC can't support. That said, if your monitor and PC support it you can choose to run at even higher framerates".

PC Gamer also talked about 4K, asking "GTA 5 supports 4K resolution on PC - how much of a big deal do you think 4K will be for players? Do you think it'll transform the way they experience that world?" Rockstar's reply is pretty exciting, with the developer saying: "4k is an eye opener when you see if for the first time, it really does make you look at the world differently and in greater detail as you would expect. That said, you could probably say the same thing about a lot of the other high-end graphical options and ultimately it will be personal preference which particular resolution and graphical settings that each player decides to settle on".

Continue reading: Rockstar says 4K is a real 'eye opener' for Grand Theft Auto V on PC (full post)

Creator of Bioshock says his next game is powered by Unreal Engine 4

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 9, 2015 5:13 AM CDT

The original Bioshock was created by Ken Levine, who teased that he was working on a new first-person shooter back in January, has just said that his upcoming project is using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 4 technology.

Levine has been quiet on his next project, with random tweets mentioning that his new protect will be "smaller, more entrepreneurial". The news came from Levine revealing that his titel would be using Unreal Engine 4 when a fan tweeted him asking which graphics engine he would be using for his new game.

Considering the entire Bioshock series was powered by Unreal Engine, Levine is most likely very familiar with it, and wants to continue to use Epic Games' proven technology. We should hear more about Levine's mystery project at E3 2015, hopefully.

Continue reading: Creator of Bioshock says his next game is powered by Unreal Engine 4 (full post)

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will support DX12, and AMD's TressFX 3.0

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 9, 2015 2:35 AM CDT

Eidos-Montreal has shown off the official CGI trailer of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, something you can watch below, but the studio has also teased that the sequel to Human Revolution will have some nice tricks up its sleeve in the graphics department.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided uses the latest version of the impressive Dawn Engine, which was specificially built for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. AMD has been working closely with the studio under its Gaming Evolved program, which means we'll see full support for Windows 10 and DirectX 12, as well as TressFX 3.0.

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Frostbite Technical Director wants DX12 and Windows 10 for next-gen

Anthony Garreffa | Apr 8, 2015 10:49 PM CDT

The Technical Director on Frostbite, EA and DICE's incredible engine that powers Battlefield and Dragon's Age: Inquisition to name a few games, has taken to Twitter to tease the next-gen Frostbite engine.

Johan Andersson has said that he wants to see the minimum specification for Frostbite-powered games in 2016 to be Windows 10, DirectX 12 and WDDM 2.0. He said that this would "a bit aggressive" but we would see "major benefits". He said in a reply to EVGA's Product Manager, Jacob Freeman, "get rid of the Windows legacy and reap the benefits of a modern graphics API & memory management (WDDM 2.0)".

With Microsoft offering some users an upgrade to Windows 10 for free, next-gen gaming is going to be in for a big surprise on PC. But, the big question is: will EA see the install base significant enough to make DX12 and thus, Windows 10, the minimum spec for games? I would say definitely not, but we could see things shift as we move into 2016 with DX12, Windows 10, the big push into VR, and so much more.

Continue reading: Frostbite Technical Director wants DX12 and Windows 10 for next-gen (full post)