Gaming - Page 1614
All the latest gaming news, with everything related to PlayStation releases (PS4 & PS5), Xbox, PC Games, Nintendo Switch & plenty more - Page 1614.
Dishonored 2 director 'distressed' over PC performance
Has there been a game released this year that has been problem free? Bethesda is back again with Dishonored 2 now out, but Arkane Studios slipped with the PC version of the game which is experiencing all sorts of performance issues.
Dishonored 2 Game Director Harvey Smith isn't happy with the PC version of the game, fielding questions on his Twitter account. Smith said he's distressed over the PC performance issues, saying his team are hard at work getting the performance issues fixed. He said that Dishonored 2 was tested on PC before its release (because we haven't heard that before), and that it's not a port from other platforms.
Smith said: "I'm happy people are raving about the game. The majority are loving it. But I'm distressed that some PC users have problems", adding: "really feeling it for the folks affected - working over the weekend and such". Smith tweeted: "we care deeply about pc (as pc players ourselves). we are working on the issues".
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Watch Dogs 2 runs at less than 30FPS on PS4 sometimes
The release of Watch Dogs 2 is nearly here, so we're finally finding out about the performance of Ubisoft's surely near-perfect game after the watered down, gimped original Watch Dogs... nope. Wrong.
Some gamers are reporting from the Watch Dogs 2 focused livestream by Eurogamer that there were various performance-related issues. At the 1:55:00 mark of the video below, Watch Dogs 2 is running at less than 30FPS.
Then there's the PlayStation Access video that shows Watch Dogs 2 off, where you can see it drops below 30FPS a few times.
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NVIDIA says gamers will be amazed with Nintendo Switch
NVIDIA blew the doors off of the financial world with record-breaking Q3 2016 numbers, and now the company is pushing behind Nintendo and its new Switch hybrid console handheld due in 2017.
During NVIDIA's recent earnings call, company CEO and founder Jen-Hsun Huang said that the relationship between NVIDIA and Nintendo will last for quite a while. He said that the relationship will last at least two decades, as Nintendo wants to stay with a single architecture for a while - and that would be music to NVIDIA's green ears.
Huang said: "And so that's a real advantage and we're really proud of them. I guess you could also say that Nintendo contributed a fair amount to that growth. And over the next - as you know, the Nintendo architecture and the company tends to stick with an architecture for a very long time. And so we've worked with them now for almost two years. Several hundred engineering years have gone into the development of this incredible game console".
Continue reading: NVIDIA says gamers will be amazed with Nintendo Switch (full post)
PlayStation VR headset unavailable on Amazon UK website
Customers looking to purchase the Sony PlayStation VR headset via the Amazon UK website will have to unfortunately wait for now.
Direct from the official site, reads: Temporarily Unavailable as all stock of the headset have been exhausted until early next year.
Due to the popularity of PlayStation VR, gamers will have to either wait it out or buy the product through another site and most likely Internationally. With no information regarding Amazon UK's availability on re-stocking the item, it's unclear as to how long into 2017 customers will have to wait.
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Xbox avatars can now update their wardrobes with onesies
Only months ago Microsoft Australia unveiled the Xbox Onesie free with every purchase of the Xbox One S. Well now that comfy lounge-wear can be applied to gaming avatars.
The black and white onesies can be featured for both genders thanks to Larry Hryb otherwise known as Major Nelson announcing the news on Twitter. After working with the Xbox Live team, the crew designed and released the same outfit for avatars.
The onesies are available via the Xbox Live Avatarwebsite.
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The Last of Us Remastered runs at 3200x1800 on PS4 Pro
Sony has a faster PS4 on the market with its just-released PlayStation 4 Pro, but the new console is running The Last of Us Remastered at close to 4K 60FPS. Naughty Dog says that The Last of Us Remastered runs at 3200x1800 at close to 60FPS, with Digital Foundry reporting it drops by around 2-5FPS in some areas.
Digital Foundry has been all over the PS4 Pro and the games running on the Polaris-powered console, where they reported: "Probably the most surprising example of this is The Last of Us Remastered, a Naughty Dog production. The team has a reputation not just as one of the most cutting-edge developers in the industry, but also for their superb optimisation skills".
They continued: "Generally speaking, The Last of Us has been an absolute joy to revisit on PS4 Pro. You get a 3200Ã1800 resolution in 60fps mode, rising to native 4K at 30fps. It's also one of the best HDR titles we've tried. So if you have a 4K display, losing 2-5fps in performance in the 60fps mode doesn't feel like a bad trade as such, but the point is that you cannot opt for enhanced performance instead".
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Battlefield 1 on PS4 Pro sharper, increased FPS than PS4
Sony's beefier PS4 Pro seems to be helping ridiculously good looking games like Battlefield 1, with some early reports from PS4 Pro owners that have said that playing Battlefield 1 on their 1080p TV.
Reddit user Cerraent said they were "immediatly blown away by the sharpness from the intro/tutorial. While the campaign had a distracting aliasing on trees and foliage on my regular PS4, everything was extremely crisp and the texture detail was amazing (mud, gravel and so on)".
Cerraent continued, adding: "I also had the feeling that it gave an competitive advantage in multiplayer. Even my wife, who normally does not care for the technical side of games, mentioned that the game looks more crips/fluid than the last time she's seen me playing it. Sadly I have to ship my Pro in today, due to loud coil whine while under load. I would have taken screenshots otherwise".
Continue reading: Battlefield 1 on PS4 Pro sharper, increased FPS than PS4 (full post)
PS4 Pro max temps only hit 35C
Sony's new 4K-ready PlayStation 4 Pro is a massive improvement over the original PS4 in terms of heat and power efficiency, with the system only generating a max temp of 35C under load.
Anyone who owns an original launch PS4 knows the system gets hot. We're talking heat that's sometimes in excess of 70C, to the point where you want to turn the console off after 2-3 hours. With temps like these, the PS4 APU's thermal paste starts to crack, potentially leading to overheating and console failure.
The original PS4 gets rather hot while gaming, as seen in these FLIR images.
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Skyrim Special Edition runs at native 4K on PS4 Pro
Bethesda is fighting issues on the PC version of Dishonored 2, but it looks like Skyrim Special Edition will be running at native 4K on Sony's just-released PS4 Pro console.
Although Skyrim: Special Edition is hitting native 4K on Sony's new PS4 Pro, the high resolution comes at the cost of frame rates. Skyrim running in native 4K on the PS4 Pro triggers frame rate drops and noticeable stuttering, showing that the console isn't that far removed from the resolution vs FPS balancing act required for the PS4 and Xbox One. As a result, Skyrim actually has better FPS on PS4 than PS4 Pro while running in 4K.
"Sony emphasizes that games running on PS4 Pro must have frame-rates that are better than or equal to the game running on the standard PS4 console. However, that's not the case with Skyrim, where the increase in resolution can lead to a visible drop in performance in scenes where the GPU is pushed more heavily," Digital Foundry's David Bierton reports.
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Watch Dogs 2 will 'fill the gap' for Assassin's Creed
Ubisoft has high hopes for Watch Dogs 2, and considering that there's no Assassin's Creed game out this year, the sales are going to have to be quite good.
In an interview with MCVUK, Ubisoft Sales Director Darren Bowen said: "Assassin's Creed has been a fantastic seller for Ubisoft and really important to the market every year, but make no mistake, Watch Dogs 2 will certainly fill the gap this year".
He added: "We are very fortunate to have such a strong and varied line-up so we don't have to rely just one franchise. Following Watch Dogs 2, we also have Steep launching at the start of December along with strong back catalogue sales on Tom Clancy's The Division and Far Cry Primal which have been two of the biggest launches so far this year. Let's not forget live games like The Crew and Rainbow Six Siege which is really being embraced the community with 10m players worldwide. If that wasn't enough we also have the Ezio Collection, so for those consumers who need a taste of Assassin's Creed every year - and we know there are a huge number of people - they will still be able to purchase a great triple pack which covers the most loved period of Assassin's Creed".
Continue reading: Watch Dogs 2 will 'fill the gap' for Assassin's Creed (full post)