First gameplay footage from Half-Life creator's unannounced shooter Deadlock leaks

Gameplay from Valve's upcoming third-person hero shooter Deadlock has appeared online. Apparently, it comes from a recent Closed Beta.

1 minute & 29 seconds read time

Valve, the creators of the iconic Half-Life, Portal, DOTA 2, and Team Fortress 2, release games so infrequently that if there's even a rumor on what it might be cooking up next - consider that major PC gaming news. Over the last few days, we've seen the PC gaming community come alive thanks to screenshots and information leaking for Valve's next big game - an Overwatch-style third-person shooter called Deadlock.

Leaked screenshot from Valve's Deadlock, a 6v6 hero shooter and MOBA game.

Leaked screenshot from Valve's Deadlock, a 6v6 hero shooter and MOBA game.

The game hasn't been officially announced, and Valve hasn't responded to the leaks or requests from outlets to confirm if the information is accurate. According to multiple sources, the 6v6 'hero shooter' is currently in the Closed Beta phase, so what we're seeing comes from an early version of the game and from players who are most likely breaking their NDA agreement with Valve.

Today, we've got our first look at the game in action, with a short clip showcasing Deadlock gameplay.

But don't get your hopes up too high, as the footage only shows one of the game's characters running around the map - which looks like a cross between Half-Life and Overwatch. Also, the quality isn't the greatest - but you do also get to see some of the game's characters via the hero selection menu.

The footage comes from X user @PlayerIGN (no relation to the videogame publication IGN), who also states that the game is a lane-based multiplayer third-person shooter with MOBA elements. The user also notes that the footage comes from the Closed Beta version of the game, which features over 19 playable characters.

It'll be interesting to see if Deadlock gets a formal announcement in the coming weeks or months. If it does, it will probably happen at the upcoming Summer Game Fest event in June. Otherwise, it's a wait-and-see affair - which is typical of Valve. The studio's last game releases were the VR-based Half-Life: Alyx in 2020 and Counter-Strike 2 in 2023.

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Kosta is a veteran gaming journalist that cut his teeth on well-respected Aussie publications like PC PowerPlay and HYPER back when articles were printed on paper. A lifelong gamer since the 8-bit Nintendo era, it was the CD-ROM-powered 90s that cemented his love for all things games and technology. From point-and-click adventure games to RTS games with full-motion video cut-scenes and FPS titles referred to as Doom clones. Genres he still loves to this day. Kosta is also a musician, releasing dreamy electronic jams under the name Kbit.

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