Google's Pixel Launcher will let you switch your default search service in the EU

Google is making a change to its Pixel Launcher that allows people to change the default search engine for the first time to comply with new EU rules.

1 minute & 44 seconds read time

There's been a lot of talk about the European Union and its Digital Markets Act in recent days and weeks, mostly surrounding Apple and the way the DMA has forced the company to begin offering support for third-party app stores and more within the bloc. Now, the latest mention of the DMA comes over in the world of Android with the news that the Google Pixel Launcher is rolling out the option to choose a new search provider in the EU.

The move means that people will be able to choose a new search option other than the default Google Search for the first time, something that is being done in order to better comply with the new DMA requirements that came into effect this month.

The new roll-out was first reported by people on the X social network who saw Google, DukDuckGo, and Ecosia as search options with some receiving a notification that offered the option to change the default search engine. This of course all relates to the search bar on the Home Screen.

As 9to5Google notes, this isn't the only change that Google is making in order to keep the EU happy. It also includes a new screen for choosing the default search engine and web browser on Android while other changes have been made to Search, Chrome, and other Google apps and features.

Apple has perhaps been the company to rattle the saber most with regard to its reticence to make the changes required of the DMA. It's long argued that allowing apps to be installed outside of the App Store would open the iPhone to all kinds of things including malware. The company has also been accused of malicious compliance in terms of the way it has made changes to comply with the DMA but in such a way that doesn't necessarily comply with the spirit of the new regulation.

Spotify and Epic Games have been among the companies that have so far gone toe-to-toe with Apple but the discontent is clear among developers. To that effect, Apple also recently announced that it would allow developers to offer their apps for download via their own websites for the first time. The previously announced rule would have required apps to be downloaded via a third-party marketplace or Apple's own App Store. That change isn't expected to come into play until next year, however.

As for Google, its own change to the Pixel Launcher is rolling out right now so don't be surprised if you don't see it just yet.

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Based in the UK, Oliver has been writing about technology, entertainment, and games for more than a decade. If there's something with a battery or a plug, he's interested. After spending too much money building gaming PCs, Oliver switched to Apple and the Mac - and now spends too much on those instead.

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