Apple just fixed a big macOS location-sharing bug - download the update now

Some macOS users found that their Macs weren't asking for their location when they should and now a new software update has been rolled out to fix it.

1 minute & 41 seconds read time

If you've been using your Mac over the last little while and wondering why some apps simply weren't behaving how they should, it could have been thanks to a bug relating to how location access permissions work. But don't worry - Apple just fixed it.

The issue was one that meant some apps that required the Mac's location data to work, like weather and mapping apps, were not able to display a permissions dialog as they would normally do. That essentially prevented them from working at all, in some cases, leaving people stuck. However, Apple has now released macOS 13.5.1 which fixes the issue for those who were affected.

Apple just fixed a big macOS location-sharing bug - download the update now 02

The new update is now available as a free download via the System Settings app on affected Macs and is worth getting a hold of even if you don't think you've been afflicted with this particular issue - there is no telling whether you will in the future.

Apple says that the macOS Ventura 13.5.1 update specifically fixes an issue in System Settings that prevented location permissions from appearing. That means that those who have had problems should now be able to get back up and running without too much fuss.

This macOS 13.5.1 update is likely to be one of the last ones before Apple releases macOS Sonoma to the public. That release is now in the hands of public and developer beta testers and is likely to be made available to the wider Mac userbase in October if previous release windows are any indication.

Before then, Apple is expected to release new software updates for the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV with all of those expected to debut in September. That'll make it a busy month for Apple, with the company also expected to announce the new iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max devices. They'll also likely be joined by the Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2, and Apple won't be done yet.

The rest of 2023 is fair game for new iPad and Mac announcements, with upgraded iPad Pro tablets very much expected to debut before year's end. As soon as the new year rolls around all eyes will be on the Vision Pro headset, with Apple aiming for an early 2024 release for the product. That does of course give the company plenty of wiggle room so we wouldn't expect much to happen for the first couple of months of the year at least.

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Based in the UK, Oliver has been writing about technology, entertainment, and games for more than a decade. If there's something with a battery or a plug, he's interested. After spending too much money building gaming PCs, Oliver switched to Apple and the Mac - and now spends too much on those instead.

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