NVIDIA has been playing with fire before the launch of its next-gen Ada Lovelace GPU architecture, which will power the new GeForce RTX 40 series graphics cards coming later this year.

But now we're hearing fresh news from Moore's Law is Dead, who reached out to his industry sources to find out what is going on with the current situation of warehouses filled with current-gen and even older-gen Ampere and Turing-based graphics cards.
MLID says that his sources have said that AIBs are being helped by NVIDIA to clear their reserve stockpiles of GA102 (GeForce RTX 3090 Ti, GeForce RTX 3090, GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, GeForce RTX 3080 12GB, GeForce RTX 3080). His sources state that this was "the compromise" of the "NVIDIA AIB Revolt" which is when AIBs told NVIDIA to "go pound sand" over their warehouses of older-gen GPUs before the next-gen Ada Lovelace cards arrive.
- Read more: AIBs threaten NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPU allocation: 'go pound sand'
- Read more: EVGA slashes $1000 from its GeForce RTX 3090 Ti FTW: $2149 to $1149
- Source 1: NVIDIA has directly stepped in to help AIBs clear their reserve stockpiles of GA102 in exchange for big pre-purchases of Enthusiast Lovelace. This was the compromise for the "NVIDIA AIB Revolt". But even with help, it's still going to take months for AIBs to sell through what they have, and they're on their own when it comes to s telling off GA104 and lower".
- Source 2: The channel is already starting to run dry of RTX 3090s, and the RTX 3090 Ti is starting to show signs of depleting stock as well. After that, we'll see how aggressive we need to get for the RTX 3080 Ti and 3080 12GB to sell through".
- Source 3: Late August is when the more aggressive actions will kick in from both AMD and NVIDIA if there's still a ton of inventory left over. NVIDIA can still stomach going a bit lower on pricing if needed, but AMD won't get much cheaper".