Sony might have unveiled a few small details about its next-gen PlayStation 5 console, but the most important thing is still a mystery: the price. One particular retailer is teasing a $699 launch price for the PlayStation 5.
A new listing on Play-Asia has been uploaded, listing Sony's new PlayStation 5 console for $699 -- this is $100 more than the PS3 launch price even with its smaller 60GB HDD at the time.
Personally, $699 isn't much for something that will offer 8K video support, 4K 60FPS and 4K 120FPS gaming, and capable of driving the next-gen exclusives that will be powered by the custom AMD chips inside of the PlayStation 5. $599 at the time for the PS3 was too rich for most gamers, as there weren't enough games at launch to jump into a new expensive console over the PlayStation 2 at the time.

Sony's largest issue with the initial 3-6 month launch success of the PlayStation 5 will come down to price, as their console will lose performance wise instantly against the faster Xbox Series X console. So maybe Microsoft will have a $699 price and Sony will be forced into under $600, and maybe even $499 and losing money per console and making it up with games and accessories (like console makers have done for decades -- it's how the Xbox was born).