Activision has big plans for Modern Warfare's post-launch content pipeline.
Like any game released from Activision-Blizzard, the new Modern Warfare reboot will expand greatly long after its initial October release. In fact, Modern Warfare will have the most content of any Call of Duty game--a bold statement made in Activision's latest Q2'20 earnings call. That means roadmaps, live services, new modes, maps, weapons, and a timed cadence of content--all monetized in some way.
"We have a number of surprises in store after that including the largest post-launch content pipeline in franchise history," Activision COO Coddy Johnson said in the call.
Modern Warfare will be the first major AAA release to come out of the company's new restructured business model, which puts stronger emphasis on established billion-dollar franchises over new experimental titles.
Activision-Blizzard is now doubling-down on four key tenants:
- new game releases
- monetization/live services
- mobile ports
- new engagement models
In many ways, Modern Warfare is the proving ground for the new plan. Infinity Ward has put tremendous effort into the game, and Activision has funded lots of fresh upgrades including a new games engine, tons of marketing materials, and a stronger core emphasis on key multiplayer gameplay. It's the star of the show and remains Activision's biggest franchise, so of course it'll establish the new pedigree the company is aiming for.
Cross-play is a huge facet to this model and will bring tons of unified cross-platform engagement, all of which should be monetized with heavy-handed microtransactions. Expect cosmetics as well as outright purchasable upgrades to justify the steady river of free post-launch content.
Modern Warfare launches on October 25, 2019 on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Launch is only the beginning and Activision plans to support the game with a breadth of updates, but Black Ops 5 is still on the way for 2020.