It seems the vast majority of people that worked on Radeon GPUs is over at Intel now, or so it seems... with Intel's discrete GPU marketing department securing Darren McPhee who used to work for ATI before, and after they were acquired by AMD.
McPhee joined ATI in 2003 as their Senior Product Manager, climbing up to a Senior Marketing Role with Gaming and then onto Graphics in the end. Die hard Radeon fans will remember AMD's great marketing video in 'The Fixer' which was close to the launch of the Radeon 'Never Settle' bundle for the first GCN-based Radeon graphics cards like the Radeon HD 7970. Those were the days of AMD!
He later left AMD in 2015, and how now recently joined Intel's discrete GPU marketing team that Chris Hook (formely of the RTG marketing team) as well as GPU architect Raja Koduri and CPU lord Jim Keller. Intel is slowly growing out an amazing team of people leading into their first discrete graphics card launch, which seems more exciting than the stand still action of AMD and Radeon with gamers right now.