Edward Snowden: NSA tracks ALL Bitcoin users private info

Don't be surprised: the NSA tracks all private information of ALL Bitcoin transactions and users with MONKEYROCKET.

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Gaming Editor
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Your data was never safe. Bitcoin was never safe. The blockchain itself was never safe. The US government made sure of that by tasking the NSA back in 2013 to track all users and information flowing through Bitcoin.

Edward Snowden: NSA tracks ALL Bitcoin users private info | TweakTown.com

Edward Snowden is behind the new information, with The Intercept writing it up revealign that the NSA has been tracking Bitcoin users since 2013. Snowden has classified documentation that shows the NSA has access to the various fiber optic cables that have the entire of the internet running through them.

This gives the NSA near unlimited power, and with this power comes no responsibility as an internal NSA report said on March 15, 2013 that the US spy agency was interested in other cryptocurrencies as well, but "Bitcoin is #1 priority" reads the memo. Another memo from March 29, 2013 said that the NSA collected users passwords, internet history, and unique device information in the form of a Bitcoin user's MAC address.

The Intercept writes: "As of 2013, the NSA's Bitcoin tracking was achieved through program code-named OAKSTAR, a collection of covert corporate partnerships enabling the agency to monitor communications, including by harvesting internet data as it traveled along fiber optic cables that undergird the internet".

Better yet, MONKEYROCKET was used which is a sub-program of OAKSTAR itself, which gathers data from the Middle East, Europe, South America, and Asia. MONKEYROCKET, according to Truth in Media, is "also apparently falsely promoted to the public as a tool for anonymity. The documents describe MONKEYROCKET as a "non-Western Internet anonymization service" with a "significant user base" in Iran and China".

The NSA designed MONKEYROCKET in order to "attract targets engaged in terrorism, [including] Al Qaida" to use the "browsing product," which "the NSA can then exploit". We all know this as a honey pot, but the NSA knows it as MONKEYROCKET.

So if you thought you were safe out there in the blockchain, think again - everything involving Bitcoin and most likely all cryptocurrencies, no matter the security layers... is compromised. Even if it's not, the connection between you and your ISP, and the greater internet at large is.

But it's for your safety, right?

NEWS SOURCE:truthinmedia.com

Gaming Editor

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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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