A new second-generation Xbox One model has been in mass production since February 2016, according to recently unearthed documents.
Microsoft is planning its own mid-cycle second-generation Xbox One refresh to counter Sony's new 4K-ready PlayStation Neo, leaked documents suggest. The Japanese documents were spotted on NeoGAF, and have since been translated to read:
New Project
AP5 XBOX One 2nd Gen Project
Project Start Time 2014 March
Client : Microsoft
Product : Xbox One 2nd Gen
Machine : Kingston
Estimated Shipment : Maximum 400K / week
Plastic Product Unit weight : 600 ~ 800g
Current Status : AP(V) work with client co-develop and certify Sabic & Chill raw material
EVT D : Now
Hard Tool Development : Oct -- delay
MP ( Mass Production ) : Feb
Reports of Microsoft's new Xbox One refresh have piled up recently: new Xbox One components were revealed in pre-released FCC filings, and VentureBeat was told by internal sources that Microsoft is testing various new Xbox prototypes with high-end hardware. AMD let slip that new PS4 and Xbox One consoles were on the horizon, with the PS4 Neo possibly leveraging AMD's next-gen Polaris 10 Ellesmere GPU technology.
The major consensus is that the new mid-cycle Xbox One refresh will be outfitted with more powerful and energy-efficient hardware, thus allowing for a dramatic size reduction. If the new Xbox One leverages AMD's 14nm FinFET Polaris GPUs, the console will be able to push native 1080p 60FPS while significantly lowering power draw and thermal output.
Xbox's Major Nelson indirectly responded to the leaks on Twitter, saying: "Dear Internet: Don't bother wasting time and making connections where there are none.
Microsoft is expected to announce the new Xbox One refresh at E3 2016 in June.