'Did you think I'd forgotten you, insect?' - System Shock 3 announced

OtherSide Entertainment and Night Dive Studios announce that System Shock 3 is on the way!

1 minute & 35 seconds read time

I've woken up to Christmas morning... System Shock 3 has been announced. OtherSide Entertainment and Night Dive Studios have officially announced System Shock 3, but other than the announcement that it's coming - that's all we have.

'Did you think I'd forgotten you, insect?' - System Shock 3 announced | TweakTown.com

There's no teaser trailer, no screenshots, and I like it that way. Instead of some CGI creation that represents nothing in-game, or some super-polished screenshots, we're just hearing about it, and that's it. There is a website for System Shock 3, with an audio sample that teases "Did you think I'd forgotten you, insect?". After checking out the source code to the System Shock 3 teaser website, it reveals: "Join the original team behind Ultima Underworld on a quest to rekindle this legendary fantasy RPG series".

OtherSide Entertainment released a PR statement not too long after, saying: "OtherSide Entertainment, the development studio behind the upcoming fantasy RPG Underworld Ascendant, is excited to officially announce development on System Shock 3, the sequel to the landmark System Shock series. Last week, OtherSide posted a teaser website (www.othersidetease.com ) with cryptic lettering hinting at a new game. Internet hackers quickly cracked the site, prematurely revealing the game's title. As part of the fun, series' AI antagonist SHODAN appeared to mock the hackers with new taunts each day. On the updated teaser site today, fans can hear popular voice actress Terri Brosius (System Shock 1 & 2, Dishonored) reprise her role as the voice of SHODAN and see an early peek at the evolving 'next generation' look of the character by artist Robb Waters".

The PR statement continued: "Key members of the original System Shock and System Shock 2 teams will be part of the sequel. This includes Paul Neurath, who oversaw the original series' development; Nate Wells, a senior artist on System Shock 2; and Waters, the lead concept artist of both original games. The path to bring the System Shock franchise forward was long and winding. Several years back, OtherSide secured the exclusive IP rights to all future versions of the franchise. Only recently, through partnership with Night Dive Studios, who owns the System Shock trademark, did OtherSide get the rights to use the System Shock name for the sequel. System Shock 3 is currently in the early concept stages of development".

NEWS SOURCE:dsogaming.com

Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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