Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K Games, told IGN:
Duke Nukem Forever is the game that was once thought to be unshippable, and yet here we are, on the precipice of history. Today marks an amazing day in the annals of gaming lore, the day where the legend of Duke Nukem Forever is finally complete and it takes that final step towards becoming a reality.
"Precipice of history?" "Annals of gaming lore?" Maybe I'm the only naysayer in this, but can this game possibly be that good? Let's be serious, back in the day DN was just a Doom clone with more profanity and half-naked pixellated dancing girls. Yeah, I'm sure I'll get a bunch of hate mail for this, but again, c'mon. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it will be an extremely entertaining FPS- or at least, it better be with 15 years of hype behind it. Check out IGN for lots and lots of images and promo shots.