Every time a company comes out with a wacky new controller offering dexterity tangential to the normal hum-drum controller (which by the way, worked fine for me for years), I'm always a little suspect. Remember the Nintendo Glove? Though way ahead of its time and a prophetic shoutout to the Wii, it was a disaster. Anyone remember the short-lived PlayStation Glove controller? The buttons from the regular controller were spread throughout the fingers and you could play one handed? Apocalyptically terrible. So when I heard about Razer and their new Hydra motion sensor PC controllers, I had my doubts. Until I saw the following video:
The dual interface looks amazing! It's like playing with two Wii controllers that talk to each other! Not only that, but this level is part of the Sixense Motion Pack DLC- levels specifically designed for the controllers! They're of course compatible with the regular Portal 2- as well as 125 PC games, right off the bat. And more DLC to come, promises Razer. I'm pretty psyched to (literally) get my hands on these and mess around with compatible games. All you WASD traditionalists should stop hating long enough to give these a try to. Check out their website in the links above for more info.
Video: Check Out Razer's Hydra In Action With Portal 2
Razer Hydra motion controllers in action in exclusive Portal 2 Level.
& 45 seconds read time