Back to the Future: The Game goes 88mph on Wednesday!
Go Back to the Future on Wednesday!
After these 6 months in the Back to the Future world, Doc Brown's lab is on the verge of being sold off because of his absence. Marty gets a surprise visit from the DeLorean where it brings him to the past, where he must help a teenage Emmett Brown to keep all of space and time from unraveling.
Bob Gale, co-creator and co-writer of the films has said:
"Telltale's Back to the Future game is the first videogame in the space-time continuum to be truly worthy of being called 'Back to the Future.' This new adventure of 'Marty McFly' and 'Doc Brown' is true to the spirit of the movies and I couldn't be happier about the great working relationship I've developed with the team at Telltale. Via the game, the player gets to explore and experience more about the history of our characters and Hill Valley...along with some very interesting alternate time lines. It's a game for people who loved the movies, made by people who loved the movies."
Looking forward to this! I'm a huge fan of the movies and can't wait for the games!