While Microsoft's Windows 7 Touch Pack was first made available to OEMs selling Windows 7 PCs last year, Microsoft have now made it available for all at their Download Center.
Weighing in at 239.2MB, this executable file contains six applications that work in with the touchscreen features of MS' latest operating system :-
Microsoft Blackboard, an intricate game of physics in which you solve a puzzle by creating a fanciful machine on a blackboard.
Microsoft Garden Pond, a tranquil game that takes place in serene Japanese water gardens.
Microsoft Rebound, a game in which you use your fingertips to control Tesla spheres with an electrical field between them to catapult a metal game ball into your opponent's goal.
Microsoft Surface Globe, a program that you can use to explore the earth as a flat 2-D map or as an immersive 3-D experience.
Microsoft Surface Collage, a program that you can use to explore and interact with your photos and arrange them as a desktop background.
Microsoft Surface Lagoon, a screen saver and interactive water simulation, complete with a meditative rock arrangement and playful, shy fish.
There's a more in-depth rundown of each at the source link, which also gives the download link for the full Touch Pack.
NEWS SOURCE:microsoft.com
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