Microsoft makes available full Touch Pack for Windows 7 Touchscreen users

Six applications to toy around with.

49 seconds read time
While Microsoft's Windows 7 Touch Pack was first made available to OEMs selling Windows 7 PCs last year, Microsoft have now made it available for all at their Download Center.

Microsoft makes available full Touch Pack for Windows 7 Touchscreen users |

Weighing in at 239.2MB, this executable file contains six applications that work in with the touchscreen features of MS' latest operating system :-

Microsoft Blackboard, an intricate game of physics in which you solve a puzzle by creating a fanciful machine on a blackboard.

Microsoft Garden Pond, a tranquil game that takes place in serene Japanese water gardens.

Microsoft Rebound, a game in which you use your fingertips to control Tesla spheres with an electrical field between them to catapult a metal game ball into your opponent's goal.

Microsoft Surface Globe, a program that you can use to explore the earth as a flat 2-D map or as an immersive 3-D experience.

Microsoft Surface Collage, a program that you can use to explore and interact with your photos and arrange them as a desktop background.

Microsoft Surface Lagoon, a screen saver and interactive water simulation, complete with a meditative rock arrangement and playful, shy fish.

There's a more in-depth rundown of each at the source link, which also gives the download link for the full Touch Pack.
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