Some HD 5830s said to be coming with HD 5850 cores - BIOS hacks anyone?

Reminiscing of the X800 days.

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Our VGA guru Shane Baxtor has posted some hot news over at his Blog page pertaining to the new HD 5830 which is already a hot little number in AMD's HD 5000 series lineup with solid performance at a good price.

Some HD 5830s said to be coming with HD 5850 cores - BIOS hacks anyone? |

He learns that we might be seeing a bit of de ja vu, reminiscing of the X800 days where it was possible to unlock more stream processors by simply flashing the card with a different BIOS.

Whilst not confirmed nor said to be happening with every HD 5830 to hit the market, Shane hears that companies are looking to place the HD 5850 core on select HD 5830 cards which would then make it as simple as using a BIOS hack to unlock the extra stream processors the HD 5850 has on tap. Followed by a core and memory overclock from there and you're looking at sensational performance that makes the already attractive value factor of the stock HD 5830 glow even more.

But as mentioned above, this information hasn't yet been confirmed and until one is seen in the flesh with the GPU cooler removed to confirm what core has been used, we won't know for sure.

Fingers crossed!

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