AMD releases ATI Catalyst hotfix for Core i7

Improves performance on X58 Core i7 systems.

& 45 seconds read time
NVIDIA is about to release its new ForceWare 180.47 driver in a few hours, with many new features and tweaks for new games this holiday season, but AMD got in a little earlier.

AMD has made available an ATI Catalyst hotfix for users lucky enough to be running a new Core i7 Intel X58 system.

It is said to improve performance in Far Cry 2 (DX9 and DX10) as well as in Stalker Clear Sky (DX10 and DX10.1). It also fixes a bug in Brothers in Arms - Hells Highway - get the full details below.

AMD releases ATI Catalyst hotfix for Core i7

This hotfix

- Improves performance in various Direct3D and OpenGL applications on the X58 platform. AMD's next official ATI Catalyst release (ATI Catalyst 8.12) will include these optimizations

- Improves performance for the DirectX 9 version of Far Cry 2 on CrossFire™ compatible systems

- Improves performance for the DirectX 10 version of Far Cry 2 on both single and CrossFire™ compatible systems

- Improves performance for the DirectX 10 and DirectX 10.1 version of Stalker Clear Sky on both single and CrossFireX configurations at higher resolutions

- Brothers in Arms - Hells Highway no longer displays corruption on the 'Black Friday' level.

Go and grab the hotfix here if you need it.


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Cameron founded TweakTown® in 1999 after it originally started off as his personal homepage. Cameron was once, many years ago, the only person producing content, but nowadays, he spends his time ensuring the company and website operates at its best in his managing director position.

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