TRENDING: NVIDIA's new AI model trains robots to move like LeBron and Ronaldo

HD VMD stands up to Blu-ray

John Freeman | TV, Movies & Home Theatre | Mar 11, 2008 2:43 PM CDT

New Media Enterprises (NME) is not a name you would have heard of, but it is a name that's going to be well known pretty soon. These guys have made a startling announcement that they are releasing the new HD format, offering "True HD" for high definition systems. The technology according to a New York Times report is the same quality as Blu-Ray, but not as expensive to develop. The new format will be known as HD Versatile Multilayer Disc (VMD), and the New York Times states that the Media players are cheaper too.

They also say it is incompatible with Blu-ray which works on blue light lasers, apparently an inferior frequency for HD movies, but more compatible to high density disks. The new VMD layered technology however overcomes this limitation, and brings things up to speed at red light frequencies.

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Firefox 3 BETA 4 now available

John Freeman | Software & Apps | Mar 11, 2008 9:01 AM CDT

Firefox is seen by many as the Internet browser of choice. The reason for this is because it has worked faster than Microsoft's IE at times, and it also seems to have fewer issues when loading up websites.

With IE7 a few months old, Firefox have been a little slow in keeping pace with the frenetic updates that Microsoft seem to pump out like clockwork. I like to think it is because they (Mozilla) take their time to perfect things first.

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Sex sells! CeBIT is no exception

John Freeman | Trade Shows | Mar 11, 2008 4:05 AM CDT

CeBIT, the annual trade fair for Consumer Electronics and the PC industry has always been about technology. However, some people enjoy the "software" as much as the hardware.

Traditional statistics have shown that this show's target market is aimed at men from the ages of 14 to 38 years old. That being said, every year this number increases, but their overall share decreases because women are making it more apparent that they are avid fans of technology too. The theory that sex sells seems to be more than true when applied to boys and their toys but does the copious use of scantily clad women really appeal to the women?

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Logitech takeover by Microsoft dismissed

Steve Dougherty | | Mar 10, 2008 7:09 AM CDT

Following recent rumours to have surfaced in relation to an alleged $8 billion takeover bid by Microsoft to swallow up its number one rival in the input device market, Logitech; we're now hearing it from the horse's mouth that this would simply be 'an operation without sense'.

During an interview for an Italian newspaper yesterday, Logitech's chairman Guerrino De Luca came forward with the above statement, reiterating the fact that without competition Logitech would lose all incentive to innovate, something they're reknowned for doing exceptionally well.

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MSI's Eee-like Wind notebook pictured

Cameron Wilmot | Laptops | Mar 10, 2008 3:22 AM CDT

There has been plenty of talk of MSI's upcoming potential Eee PC killer and finally some details are starting to emerge through the cracks.

During CeBIT, MSI showed off its tentatively named Wind low-cost notebook. It includes a 10" LCD which ups the Eee's best of 9 inches and will use Intel's low power consuming Atom processor from 1GHz to 1.6GHz and each notebook will come with a minimum of 1GB of DDR2 RAM.

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ADATA shows off speedy SSD's at CeBIT

Cameron Wilmot | Storage | Mar 10, 2008 2:40 AM CDT

CeBIT in Germany has now closed its doors for another year but news from the largest tech trade show in the world is still trickling out.

ADATA were showing off a range of upcoming solid state drives at its booth which some rather impressive speed claims. The Taiwanese company plans its S25H 128GB 2.5" SATA 2.0 drive with some sort of internal RAID system which is capable 190MB/s read and 110MB/s write speeds.

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ASUS vs. GIGABYTE in 2008 - power saving

Cameron Wilmot | | Mar 10, 2008 2:03 AM CDT

Judging by a rather amusing picture we found online, it does indeed look like the main war for ASUS and GIGABYTE this year will be who can save the most amount of power.

As you might already know, ASUS has been heavily promoting its EPU feature and GIGABYTE has been working equally as hard on its DES feature. If the picture above is anything to go by, GIGABYTE DES will crash and burn like the Intel sponsored F1 car.

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Camera identifies your age and gender

John Freeman | Cameras, Printers & Scanners | Mar 9, 2008 4:14 AM CDT

Camera identifies your age and gender in real-time stemming from the technology rich country of Japan, an invention of an intelligent camera which can identify a person's age and gender real-time on the monitor to varying degrees of accuracy is going to become available to the public.

While face recognition technology is not very new to science and to the world at large, it still lacks the ability to know things about you, unless they have been previously recorded and inputted manually.

What this technology does, is it compares your face with thousands of other faces, and works out your age within a 10 year age variance and highlights you with the information on the monitor. In addition, it can, based on the information stored, evaluate your gender or if it has a copy of your face it will match them up.

Continue reading: Camera identifies your age and gender (full post)

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