Stallman: Valve games on Linux are "unethical", but could see a boost in OS usage
GNU founder and PC-rights campaigner, Richard Stallman, has stepped forward and said that Valve's decision to sell DRM-based games on Linux is "unethical". Valve's digital distribution service, Steam, was announced it was making its way to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, with the first game out of the Linux-branded gate being Left 4 Dead 2.
The move has been seen much more positively from the Linux community, which is mostly ignored by major commercial software developers. Most people see the move as a turning point toward making Linux more popular, but Stallman disagrees and says that closed source games are "unethical because they deny freedom to its users". Stallman added:
Star Wars: The Old Republic to become free-to-play up to level 50 this fall
It hasn't even been a year since the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic, yet the company is already moving the game to free-to-play status. Announced today, the game will become free-to-play up to level 50 using 8 different character classes this fall. Of course, this free-to-play will include some restrictions.
"Players want flexibility and choice," says Matthew Bromberg of BioWare Austin in a press release, "The subscription-only model presented a major barrier for a lot of people who wanted to become part of The Old Republic universe."
"Since launch, we've been listening to feedback from our fans and adding new content and refining The Old Republic at a breakneck pace. We believe we are in a position to help improve the service even more, not only by continuing to add new content, but also by expanding the game to many more Star Wars fans, increasing the populations on worlds and the vibrancy of the community," says executive producer Jeff Hickman.
RumorTT: NVIDIA GTX 650 specifications and launch date leaked
NVIDIA is having lots of trouble with the launch of the Kepler series. It seems as though information about every single card leaked out before the actual card was released. We previously told you about the GTX 660 Ti specifications and launch date, and have now provided a review for your viewing pleasure.
This time we bring news of the GTX 650, a new card that will be aimed at the sub-$200 market and launched in time for back-to-school shopping. It's important for NVIDIA to get a Kepler card into this price range as AMD completely controls that segment of the market right now. This market segment is also where most of the money is made.
The GTX 650 is rumored to launch on September 17 and will be packing a chip based on the 28 nm GK107 ASIC, which is based upon Kepler. The chip will utilize 384 CUDA cores, a 128-bit memory bus, and 1GB of memory. A quick guess at performance based upon CUDA core count would put the card competing with the AMD 7770.
Continue reading: RumorTT: NVIDIA GTX 650 specifications and launch date leaked (full post)
Three Windows 8 exploits found before official release
It's a sad reality that there's always someone trying to break into Windows. This is due to the wide use that Windows has over other operating systems. Even before the official release, people are doing their best to break into Microsoft's upcoming Windows 8, and sadly, they've found three exploits to do just that.
With three months left before the actual release of Windows 8, Microsoft has time to take care of these exploits that have been found. Sung-Ting Tsai of Trend Micro is the person who found the exploits, so he's helping Microsoft patch them rather than working on exploiting them for nefarious reasons.
The exploits are in the kernel level advanced local procedure call, the component object model (COM) application programming interface, and the Windows Runtime API. Tsai worked on several methods to attack the vulnerabilities, and while he wasn't completely successful, he says that someone with enough time could find a way to compromise the system.
Continue reading: Three Windows 8 exploits found before official release (full post)
RumorTT: Xbox 720 developer kit details leak out
The specifications of the Xbox 720 development kit leak out and provide us with a look at what to expect from the Xbox 720 when it finally launches, likely next year. DaE, his pseudonym, tried to sell a "Durango" developer kit for a massive $10,000 on the Assembler Games forum over the weekend. His account was quickly banned and the post removed.
But that didn't stop us from scrounging some details, first. The kit reportedly ran an eight-core Intel CPU, an Nvidia graphics card, and 8GB of RAM. Not to shabby, and likely to match many of the gaming computers running around when it comes out. The RAM is expected to be half of this amount, however, as developers usually receive a system with higher specs.
A Microsoft Visual Studio screenshot suggests that the CPU used is of the x86 variety and that it supports AVX. This indicates a move away from custom hardware that caused Microsoft so many red rings of death. The details are of course unconfirmed, but other sites have confirmed with people working on games for the 720 that they are correct.
Continue reading: RumorTT: Xbox 720 developer kit details leak out (full post)
Facebook adds "save for later" feature to mobile, desktop versions
Another Facebook update in the course of a couple of days? What a treat! This latest update is somewhat of a unique feature, something I haven't really seen on another social network before. What's the feature you ask? Something Facebook is calling Save for Later. It basically allows you to save posts for later viewing, or up your stalker game, if that's more your cup of tea.
After saving a post, you can navigate all of your saved posts as their own feed. To remove, they have to be physically selected to be unsaved. And for you creepers out there who want to save a post about Jane being single, have no fear as all saved posts are private, meaning there is no way for her to tell that you saved it, other than getting on your Facebook.
On the mobile app, just hold your finger on a post until a popup that says "save" pops up. Click that and the post will be saved. There's no need to download an update to receive this update, so once it rolls out to you, it should be live. The feature is also reportedly present on, however, I have yet to see it on my profile.
Continue reading: Facebook adds "save for later" feature to mobile, desktop versions (full post)
China to land exploratory craft on the Moon in 2013
China are set to settle for infinity now, and not beyond, with plans to land an exploratory craft on one and only naturally orbiting satellite, the Moon, for the first time. China's third lunar probe, Chang'e-3, is set for take off in the second half of next year, the state Xinhua news agency reported late yesterday. Chang'e-3 is named after the Chinese goddess of the Moon.
Other reports have stated that it would land, and transmit back a survey of the Moon's surface. If China are successful in landing the craft on the Moon, it will mark a very large milestone for its space development. Xinhua have said it is part of a project to orbit, land and return from the Moon. China have said on its last white paper on space that they are working toward landing a man on the Moon, but no time frame has been given.
Beijing sees its multi-billion-dollar space program as a symbol of its rising global importance, growing technical expertise, and the Communist Party's success in turning around the fortunes of the one poverty-stricken nation. If China are successful, it will be quite the media event for 2013.
Continue reading: China to land exploratory craft on the Moon in 2013 (full post)
Yahoo's interim CEO, Ross Levinsohn, leaves the company
Yahoo have been in the news quite a lot lately, for all the right reasons, with ex-Google exec Marissa Mayer appointed the new CEO and president of the company. But, interim CEO, Ross Levinsohn has confirmed that he's leaving the company after not being named for the permanent position.
Levinsohn had allegedly been telling candidates for senior positions that he would be the next CEO, and according to reports, Yahoo employees were hoping that he would stay on with the company in some capacity, as well as help guide the company itself. But, over the weekend, Levinsohn e-mailed, saying:
Continue reading: Yahoo's interim CEO, Ross Levinsohn, leaves the company (full post)
US smartphone numbers for Q2 2012: Android sales drop, iOS rises
Research firm Strategy Analytics has some new numbers for everyone to peer at, with the US Android handset sales dropping in Q2, but iOS sales went up. Overall, smartphone shipments for all manufacturers fell a little, by 5-percent to 23.8 million, compared to 25.2 million from the same quarter last year.
These changes in numbers are attributed to a combination of things, such as a volatile economy, and changes in upgrade policies by major carriers. Android sales in Q2 2011 were 15.3 million, taking up 60.6-percent of the market. This year, with the launch of flagship models such as Samsung's Galaxy S III, Android-based phones managed just 13.4 million sales, with 56.3-percent of the market, representing a drop of almost two million handsets over the period.
iOS was the only platform to not lose its footing, where it rose by nearly two million units, the same number Android lost, to reach 7.9 million units sold. It also increased Apple's marketshare from 23.2- to 33.2-percent, even with rumors of a new iPhone coming in the next few months. BlackBerry OS lost a million sales or so, and shrank to 1.6 million, or just 6.5-percent of the current market. This is believed to be the lowest market share RIM has ever had in recent history.
Continue reading: US smartphone numbers for Q2 2012: Android sales drop, iOS rises (full post)
Fan remake of GTA III is nearly here, Grand Theft Auto III: Rage Classic, built on the GTA IV engine
The original Grand Theft Auto III is set to be released on the PSN store tomorrow, which is part of the PlayStation 2 Classics series. One of the seriously huge letdowns is that its being released without much change at all, so no HD support or trophy system. The game will sell for $10.
But, there's a fan remake on its way in the form of Grand Theft Auto III: Rage Classic. The Rage Classic version of the game is built from the RAGE engine that powered GTA IV, where the cars will reportedly drive better, and the on-foot combat is said to be world's better than the semi-mess GTA III was.
Rage Classic is built by the same people who bought you Vice City Rage, and San Andreas Rage with a forum thread for the project started last July, but doesn't have a release date for the first beta. If you'd like to read more on it, check out the 80-page thread for more details.