DICE launches Battlefield 4 Naval Strike on consoles, delays PC launch
This morning at 6AM, DICE officially released the Naval Strike expansion for Battlefield Premium members, but the launch did not go as expected. Only those on consoles got the update, and DICE says that the PC launch has been delayed due to a major bug that was found shortly before launch. DICE did not give any indication what the bug was, and did not give a timeline on when PC gamers can expect the expansion.
"On March 25, Battlefield 4 Premium members on consoles will be able to experience the ultimate sea-to-sea warfare in the third expansion pack for Battlefield 4," DICE said in a statement. "Battlefield 4 Naval Strike takes the intense and dramatic water-based combat introduced in Battlefield 4 to four all-new maps set in the South China Sea while introducing a new game mode and vehicle."
"However, we are delaying the launch of Battlefield 4 Naval Strike on PC. We've detected an issue and it needs to be solved. Quality is our number one priority and we will not release Battlefield 4 Naval Strike on PC until we feel it meets the highest quality level possible," the release continued. "Once we have a confirmed date for PC, we'll be sure to update those players on our official channels. We appreciate your patience and look forward to seeing everyone on the Battlefield."
Continue reading: DICE launches Battlefield 4 Naval Strike on consoles, delays PC launch (full post)
Das Keyboard 4 rocks mechanical keys with or without labels
Anyone who plays games or spends a lot of typing on a computer each day can tell you that not all keyboards are created equal. I've been typing on a super thin Logitech keyboard for years and find that I can't type nearly as fast on anything else. A lot of gamers and typists out there like mechanical keys.
If you are one of those sorts of people, you will be interested in the new offering from Das Keyboard. You might recognize the Das Keyboard name, the company has been making keyboards for years now. In fact, we reviewed one back in 2012.
The latest offering is called the Das Keyboard 4 Mechanical Keyboard and it has mechanical keys as you expect. You can get the keyboard in a version with names printed on all of the keys. If you are a touch typist, sure of the location of everything you can get it blank as well.
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Fox to take us Walking With Dinosaurs in HD this May
Despite flailing at the box office late last year, Twentieth Century Fox Australia has announced the joint Fox/BBC Earth CG/live action feature film Walking With Dinosaurs for release in May in a range of versions, including a 2D/3D/UltraViolet Blu-ray double pack alongside a standard 2D Blu-ray and DVD.
To be released on May 14, Walking With Dinosaurs features a collection of extra features, including one that attempts to address that which many critics (myself included) had criticised in the alternative 'Cretaceous cut' version of the film, which removes the grating character dialogue and makes other minor cuts. In conjunction with this, the film features a selection of child friendly games and activities, along with an interactive map and an in-movie trivia track.
Walking With Dinosaurs disappointed many with its needlessly anthropomorphised depiction of dinosaurs, which flew in the face of the scientific accuracy of the original 1999 BBC television series of the same name, allegedly dictated by Fox executives late in production. Limping across the line with a $120 million worldwide box office take, their decision seems to have been rejected by movie goers, but this recut might just be the olive branch that fans were seeking. We'll be sure to take a look at the Blu-ray release following it's release.
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ATM operators to replace Windows XP with Linux
Many banks and ATM operators are making plans to migrate its ATM systems to Linux as Windows XP's support will no longer be provided from April 8th. The report indicated that this will allow companies and operators to have more control over the hardware and software of the machines.
As pointed out earlier, many companies were either planning to shift to newer Windows operating system or purchasing extended support for Windows XP until they've completed migration for all of its machines. As of now, about 95% of the world's ATMs are using Windows XP. It is expected that 60% of 400,000 ATMs in the United States will still be using Windows XP post its end-of-support deadline.
But operators would like to sync their hardware and software upgrade cycles, which is difficult to do with Microsoft's upgrade schedule. Because of this, the operators are looking towards open source.
Continue reading: ATM operators to replace Windows XP with Linux (full post)
Turkish ban on Twitter leads to more tweets, interest in social media
Despite Turkey's attempt to ban social networking site Twitter, the government is now "fighting a losing battle," experts claim, with Turkish citizens using virtual private networks (VPNs), text messaging and Tor to continue tweeting.
Although Twitter hasn't publicly issued a response - following the Turkish government trying to have government corruption tweets and links deleted - Twitter's decision to post a guide on how to post tweets via SMS provides an initial insight into the company's stance on the matter.
Turkish Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek isn't overly impressed with the ban:
Continue reading: Turkish ban on Twitter leads to more tweets, interest in social media (full post)
Pure Hacking: Windows XP users, networks at risk as deadline looms
Microsoft Windows XP remains an extremely popular and well-liked operating system, but the security benefits alone of Windows 7 and 8/8.1 haven't been enough to get users to migrate. However, Microsoft and security experts are strongly urging both users and companies to upgrade, or potentially face harmful cyberattacks.
Pure Hacking has a few tips regarding XP: Disable what users don't need on the OS, replace XP with Windows 7, segregate legacy installations, and implement application whitelisting control.
"Across Australia there are tens of thousands of machines still running Windows XP - just think POS terminals, let alone all those SMBs," said Gordon Maddern, Pure Hacking CTO, in a statement. "Anyone still on XP will be wide open to attack. All new vulnerabilities - and countless numbers of these are likely - will no longer be fixed by Microsoft. I cannot stress enough, it's time to migrate, migrate, migrate."
Continue reading: Pure Hacking: Windows XP users, networks at risk as deadline looms (full post)
Google passes on government funding for military robot competition
It's no secret that Google has been swooping in and buying robotic companies left and right, and one of those acquisitions is making headlines today. Schaft Robotics, a company Google bought last year has made it to the finals of a DARPA sponsored robotics competition, and today Google announced that it would not accept funding for the competition that the US government had previously offered.
In a statement released by the DARPA last Friday, the government says that Google has switched to Track D of the program which means it will be fully funding the program from its own bank account, and no government funding will be accepted. The DARPA Robotics Challenge or DRC is a competition that challenges companies to create a robot that can handle disaster zone task such as navigating heavy debris, opening a door, climbing a ladder, and even turning off gas and water valves.
Google's Schaft Robot will be competing in the finals which are scheduled to be held some time between December 2014 and June of 2015. Google's other robotics company, Boston Dynamics, will also be competing in the event with its bipedal robot, Petman. This is one competition I would love to watch live, and I hope to get that chance during the next round!
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Futuremark re-list Samsung Galaxy S4 and Note III in benchmark results
Last November, Futuremark made the announcement that it would be de-listing the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note III from its 3DMark benchmarking results. This drastic action was taken because of some shady, behind the scenes code that was implemented on the devices that made them appear to perform better in benchmarking than they actually did. Several other phones were caught up in this scandal, but things have changed with the roll-out of Android 4.4.2 KitKat to these two devices.
"That decision (To de-list the Samsung devices from results) won us lots of praise from 3DMark users, even from those who owned one of the delisted models. We knew that de-listing would send a message to manufacturers too. We hoped it would encourage them to be fair and honest with their customers," said Futuremark. "After conducting our own testing, I can confirm that the Galaxy Note III and Galaxy S IV now conform to our benchmark rules when running the Android 4.4 update provided by Samsung."
Samsung Galaxy S IV
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Time Warner Cable received less than 250 national security orders
Time Warner Cable processed almost 12,000 government requests in 2013, with 82 percent subpoenas, 12 percent court-ordered incidents, 4 percent were search warrants, 2 percent were emergency requests, and 0.3 percent were wiretap orders.
TWC says the company received between 0 and 249 National Security Orders, though cannot identify an exact number. The company wants to become more open about customer information requests, especially after Edward Snowden's spying disclosures made last year.
We will issue future Transparency Reports on a semi-annual basis," TWC said in a statement. "We have also provided answers to frequently asked questions related to the practices we follow to strengthen protections for the privacy of customer information."
Continue reading: Time Warner Cable received less than 250 national security orders (full post)
Google Chrome for Mac and PC now features Google Now integration
After more than a year of steady development, Google has finally added its Google Now service to the stable channel of Google Chrome for Mac and PC. Today Google announced that it has finally refined Google Now for the desktop enough to include it in the next stable release of its Chrome browser for Windows and Mac, and says it will begin rolling out in the next few days.
Once the feature has been added to the Chrome browser on your device, you can turn it on by signing into the same Google account you use on your Android or iOS device. This will sync your Google Now cards, searches, and other relevant data to your PC or Mac. If you use Google Now on multiple devices, you will need to manage location settings for each PC, Mac device, and mobile device you use the service on to ensure accurate results.
Google Now will display cards featuring traffic, weather, shipping, movies, events, and more right on your desktop. Most of this data will come from the user's smartphone, and will provide the same up-to-date information that Google Now users have become accustomed to over the last year.
Continue reading: Google Chrome for Mac and PC now features Google Now integration (full post)