RAM Content for 2008

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G.Skill PI Black PC3-12800 (1600MHz) CL8 6GB Memory Kit

G.Skill PI Black PC3-12800 (1600MHz) CL8 6GB Memory Kit

G.Skill has expanded its Pi range to include new i7 compatible triple channel kits. We check out a 1600MHz 6GB kit today. | Dec 29, 2008 11:00 PM CST

Intel Core i7 Memory Analysis - Can Dual Channel Cut it?

Intel Core i7 Memory Analysis - Can Dual Channel Cut it?

Taking a break from X58 boards, we have a look at dual vs triple channel memory configurations on the Core i7 platform. | Nov 23, 2008 11:00 PM CST

Patriot Memory PC2-6400 4GB LL DDR2 Kit

Patriot Memory PC2-6400 4GB LL DDR2 Kit

In a perfect world, DDR2 memory would offer high capacity AND speeds. This kit aims to hold that promise for perfection. | Mar 3, 2008 11:00 PM CST

Aeneon Xtune DDR3-1333 2GB Memory Kit

Aeneon Xtune DDR3-1333 2GB Memory Kit

Qimonda's Aeneon branded Xtune memory boasts prime overclocking. We put them to the test and see what they can deliver. | Feb 28, 2008 11:00 PM CST

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