Maker & DIY
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M3D Micro 3D Printer Review
December 20, 2016 | If you are in the market for a turnkey solution to 3D printing, M3D may have a solution for you in the Micro. Let's take a close look.

Intel Curie-based Arduino 101 Programmable Microcontroller Review
May 19, 2016 | Intel's Curie-based Arduino 101 Programmable Microcontroller development board goes under the microscope today to see exactly what it brings to the table.

Connected Cars: The technology is here, so let's enjoy it
June 14, 2015 | There is an amazing blend of technology merging with new vehicles, and connected car technology is accelerating at a fast pace.

Future of wearables unknown, but things are looking good
May 1, 2015 | The wearables market is growing at a rapid pace, and while there is much work left to be done, the future appears to be great.

Virtual reality provides great long-term potential, be excited
April 6, 2015 | Virtual reality is something that many don't have firsthand experience with, but it seems that we should all be happy for what is around the corner.

Artificial intelligence worries smart people, should we be worried?
April 6, 2015 | Recently some really smart and successful people have expressed concerned over artificial intelligence, but should we be worried about it?

XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0 3D Printer Review
November 20, 2014 | Steven takes us on a tour of XYZprinting's Da Vinci 1.0 3D printer. Its value impressed us for the features included - here's our full review of it.

3D Printing Tips and Tricks: Making Your Portable Toolkit
June 27, 2014 | Charles walks us through what our portable 3D printer toolkit should include. Read on and see what tools you may be missing to make your experience better.

Practical 3D Printing Guide: Making a GoPro Camera Mount
June 25, 2014 | Hobby 3D printing is often referred to as a novelty, but the desktop 3D printer can be practical and useful, too. Let's see what Charles does for a GoPro.

3D Printing Tips and Tricks: Keeping Your Electronics Cool
June 20, 2014 | Just like PCs, 3D printers are subject to overheating, and precautions need to be taken to prevent this. Follow on as Charles tells us more about it.

Project M.A.R.V: The Multi-Rotor Aerial Reconnaissance Vehicle, Part 3
June 19, 2014 | In this installment of Project MARV, Charles walks us through the build process of the quadcopter's frame and just how to go about it.

Amateur Radio is Still Alive and Kicking: Journey to Becoming a HAM
June 18, 2014 | Charles recently started his quest to expand his maker skill set, and decided to take a stroll down the road to becoming a licensed amateur radio operator.

Project M.A.R.V: The Multi-Rotor Aerial Reconnaissance Vehicle, Part 2
April 21, 2014 | In this installment, we cover the tiny GPS Data Logger that will mount directly to the frame of the quad-copter and allow recording its flight path.

Punchtec Ord Bot Hadron 3D Printer Review
April 18, 2014 | The Ord Bot Hadron from Punchtec is a very versatile 3D printer that changed the way Charles think about printing with PLA and 1.75mm filament.

Project M.A.R.V: The Multi-Rotor Aerial Reconnaissance Vehicle, Part 1
April 18, 2014 | With multi-rotor helicopters getting a bad rap lately, Charles created his own multi-rotor to show that they can be used for more than controversy.

Project ATAAPR: Andy the Autonomous Arduino Powered Rover - Part 1
March 20, 2014 | Charles walks us through the steps used to create a cheap, autonomous rover that runs off of an Arduino. Let's check out part one now!

3D Printing Tips and Tricks: Filament Quality and Why It Matters
March 18, 2014 | In this installment, Charles tells us why using high-quality filament is one of the most important parameters in achieving good results.

3D Printing Tips and Tricks - Essential Tools of the Trade for your hobby
February 13, 2014 | 3D printing requires more than a 3D printer and a PC. Follow along as Charles covers the typical tools needed to operate and maintain it.

3D Printing Tips and Tricks - How to make ABS Juice to help your 3D prints better stick
February 13, 2014 | Charles walks us through his method of making a batch of ABS Juice which promotes less warping and better print adhesion to the printing surface.

Hands-on with the TinyDuino and TinyLily Systems from TinyCircuits
February 12, 2014 | TinyCircuits' TinyDuino and TinyLily development systems take the normal bulky development board standard and flip it on its head. Let's take a look.

3D Printer Tips and Tricks for Better Quality Results: Part 1
January 17, 2014 | In his first installment, Charles shows you how to improve print quality by installing a fan ducted to the hot end.

Unboxing the Punchtec Ord Bot Hadron 3D Printer
January 15, 2014 | Charles unboxes one of Punchtec's Ord Bot Hadron 3D printers.

Protostack ATmega32A Development Kit Review
December 10, 2013 | Protostack's latest development kit breaks the ATmega328 trend and introduces us to the ATmega32A. Let's take a full look at it in this review.

Makerspaces: What are they, and why do they matter?
December 1, 2013 | Makerspaces are a major part of the DIY / Maker movement, and this is why you need to be a part of one. Charles explains why in this article.

Hands-on with the BeagleBone Black, a 32-bit Micro Computer
November 16, 2013 | The BeagleBone Black is the latest development board to hit the Maker / DIY scene and packs one heck of a punch in terms of hardware.

TweakTown's Guide to 3D Printing: Part 2 - 3D Printer Kit Selection
June 2, 2013 | In our last installment, we discussed what made up a 3D printer, and what one should pay attention to when considering purchasing one. Today we are going to take a few more steps down the 3D printing road and discuss how to select a DIY kit.

TweakTown's Guide to 3D Printing: Part 1 - What makes up a 3D Printer?
March 29, 2013 | Not all 3D printers are alike, and buying a 3D printer without any guidance can quickly amount to a lot of wasted money or wasted time trying to get everything adjusted. This series will help educate you on what a 3D printer is, and get you ready to purchase your first 3D printer.

What is a Maker? What it really means to be a 'Maker'
March 29, 2013 | Charles Gantt delivers his thoughts on what he and others define as a "Maker", ahead of a flow of DIY maker articles and guides he will deliver to TweakTown.