Sports for 2014
Listing of our Sports content from our Gaming category for 2014.
Tap to refine by year

FIFA 15 PlayStation 4 Game Review
October 12, 2014 | FIFA 14 was impressive, but left us wanting a bit more. FIFA 15 is here now - has it fixed the mistakes of last year? Here's Simon's full review on PS4.

OlliOlli PC Game Review
July 27, 2014 | After delighting games on the PS VITA, OlliOlli hits the PC platform. Without a guaranteed thumbstick available, can the developers make it work?

EA Sports UFC Xbox One Game Review
June 29, 2014 | After originally going it alone without the UFC licence, EA comes to the party and releases a UFC affiliated game. Is this the UFC champion? Let's see.

MLB 14: The Show PlayStation 4 Game Review
May 18, 2014 | PS4 owners have had to wait a little longer, but its finally time to play ball with one of the most visually impressive baseball games in history.

Football Manager Classic 2014 PlayStation Vita Review
April 20, 2014 | The world's best football management simulation makes it to PS VITA. Perhaps it should have been left on the drawing board. Let's see what Simon thinks.

OlliOlli Sony PlayStation Vita Review
February 23, 2014 | Skateboarding games have had a lull recently, but OlliOlli looks to change all that on the PSVITA.