CPUs, Chipsets & SoCs for 2013
Our CPUs, Chipsets & SoCs content sorted from newest to oldest for 2013. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.
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Ask the Experts: Which CPU should I get for my video editing workstation?
December 5, 2013 | I'm torn between choosing an AMD or Intel CPU for my video editing workstation.

Ask the Experts: Should I buy an Intel Core i5 or Core i7 processor? Do I need a better PSU to overclock?
July 17, 2013 | Which processor should I buy? The Core i5 or i7? Also, which PSU should I buy to overclock it?

Ask the Experts: Should I upgrade to Haswell, or buy a new GPU?
June 18, 2013 | Should I upgrade my CPU to a Haswell-based chip, or simply upgrade my GPU?

Intel Core i7 4770K (Haswell 4th Gen) CPU and Z87 Express Chipset Review
June 1, 2013 | Like any Intel launch, Haswell is the world's worst kept secret. But today it all becomes official and we can start to talk about it in detail.

Team AU Overclocking in Perth with Liquid Nitrogen - Deanzo's Thoughts
March 21, 2013 | A group of overclockers from Australia and New Zealand got together to try and break some world records with the use of liquid nitrogen. This is Deanzo's take on what happened.

Ask the Experts: I play mainly FPS games and want to upgrade, should I want for Intel's Haswell or get Ivy Bridge now?
March 12, 2013 | Should I wait for Haswell, or get Ivy Bridge for my FPS gaming PC?

Ask the Experts: Should I get an Intel Core i5 3570K now, or wait for the Haswell-based chips to arrive?
January 5, 2013 | Should I get the current Core i5 3570K or wait until Haswell arrives?