CPUs, Chipsets & SoCs for 2009

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AMD Athlon II X4 630 Extreme Overclocking with LN2 by Deanzo

AMD Athlon II X4 630 Extreme Overclocking with LN2 by Deanzo

October 30, 2009 | Today we see how far an AMD Athlon II X4 630 processor can be pushed when cooled to minus 180 degrees celcius with LN2 extreme cooling.

AMD Athlon II X4 620 Processor Review - Quad-Core for Mainstream

AMD Athlon II X4 620 Processor Review - Quad-Core for Mainstream

September 15, 2009 | AMD's K10 architecture goes to the mainstream market with a quad-core processor offering that is now ready to hit the shelves.

Intel's P55 Express Lynnfield Chipset Overview

Intel's P55 Express Lynnfield Chipset Overview

September 15, 2009 | Now that Lynnfield has hit the streets, let's see how the rest of the platform works and what advantages it brings.

Intel Lynnfield and P55 Express Press Conference in Taipei - Video Coverage

Intel Lynnfield and P55 Express Press Conference in Taipei - Video Coverage

September 8, 2009 | Today Intel took the covers off its latest Lynnfield processors and P55 Express chipset. Intel threw a launch party in Taipei and we attended.

Intel 'Lynnfield' Core i5 750 and Core i7 870 Performance Testing

Intel 'Lynnfield' Core i5 750 and Core i7 870 Performance Testing

September 7, 2009 | Core i7 LGA 1366 Intel shocked the high-end CPU performance world. Now Lynnfield LGA 1156 is set to change the mainstream playing field, too.

AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4GHz AM3 Processor

AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4GHz AM3 Processor

August 20, 2009 | AMD ramps things up with the 3.4GHz clocked Phenom II 965 processor; flagship of the AMD desktop fleet.

AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition Processor

AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition Processor

August 6, 2009 | AMD's quad core Phenom II line-up continues on with the 3.2GHz clocked Black Edition 955. Let's see how well it shines on our test bed today.

Intel Core i7 975 3.33GHz Processor Tested

Intel Core i7 975 3.33GHz Processor Tested

June 2, 2009 | Intel has a new flagship weapon out in its Core i7 975 processor and today we get the chance to see how deserving it is of its flagship status.

AMD Phenom II - DDR2 vs. DDR3 Performance

AMD Phenom II - DDR2 vs. DDR3 Performance

March 10, 2009 | Today we compare the performance between DDR2 and DDR3 on the AM3 platform using Jetway's new combo motherboard which supports both memory types.

AMD Socket AM3 Arrives - The Real Phenom II Detailed

AMD Socket AM3 Arrives - The Real Phenom II Detailed

February 7, 2009 | AMD today unveils what we like to call the 'real' Phenom II processor with more updates and a new AM3 socket. Read on as we explain what's new.

AMD Phenom II Arrives - 45nm Deneb and Dragon Platform

AMD Phenom II Arrives - 45nm Deneb and Dragon Platform

January 6, 2009 | Today AMD joins the ranks of Intel by releasing its 45nm processor core in the form of the Phenom II.

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