CPUs, Chipsets & SoCs for 2007
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Intel Core 2 Evolves- QX9650 45nm Penryn
November 11, 2007 | We've got our first 45nm Intel processor in hand, this in the form of the Yorkfield quad core QX9650.
Overclocking the G0 SLACR Q6600 to 4GHz
August 17, 2007 | Hunting for the next G0lden CPU? We look at the new G0 stepping SLACR Intel Q6600. Let's see if it can G0 for G0ld!
Intel QX6850 Quad-Core CPU - 1333MHz FSB
July 20, 2007 | With Intel taking Core 2 to 1333MHz, we decide to find out how significant the gains are from the higher FSB.
The gradual demise of AMD - What happened and what to do next?
April 25, 2007 | In this editorial we discuss what seems to be the gradual demise of AMD along with what happened and what to do next.
nVidia nForce 680i LT SLI Chipset Preview - Boosting Mainstream
March 26, 2007 | nVidia have just released their new cut down nForce 680i LT SLI motherboards with much more attractive pricing. Read on!
Intel P35 Bearlake Chipset Performance Preview
March 12, 2007 | Using an Intel P35 "Bearlake" motherboard, we test performance of 1333MHz FSB CPU's on the new DDR-3 capable platform.