CPUs, Chipsets & SoCs for 2007

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Intel Core 2 Evolves- QX9650 45nm Penryn

Intel Core 2 Evolves- QX9650 45nm Penryn

November 11, 2007 | We've got our first 45nm Intel processor in hand, this in the form of the Yorkfield quad core QX9650.

Overclocking the G0 SLACR Q6600 to 4GHz

Overclocking the G0 SLACR Q6600 to 4GHz

August 17, 2007 | Hunting for the next G0lden CPU? We look at the new G0 stepping SLACR Intel Q6600. Let's see if it can G0 for G0ld!

Intel QX6850 Quad-Core CPU - 1333MHz FSB

Intel QX6850 Quad-Core CPU - 1333MHz FSB

July 20, 2007 | With Intel taking Core 2 to 1333MHz, we decide to find out how significant the gains are from the higher FSB.

The gradual demise of AMD - What happened and what to do next?

The gradual demise of AMD - What happened and what to do next?

April 25, 2007 | In this editorial we discuss what seems to be the gradual demise of AMD along with what happened and what to do next.

nVidia nForce 680i LT SLI Chipset Preview - Boosting Mainstream

nVidia nForce 680i LT SLI Chipset Preview - Boosting Mainstream

March 26, 2007 | nVidia have just released their new cut down nForce 680i LT SLI motherboards with much more attractive pricing. Read on!

Intel P35 Bearlake Chipset Performance Preview

Intel P35 Bearlake Chipset Performance Preview

March 12, 2007 | Using an Intel P35 "Bearlake" motherboard, we test performance of 1333MHz FSB CPU's on the new DDR-3 capable platform.

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